Monday 12 May 2008

A Journey to Tattershall Castle

We went to Tattershall Castle and we saw a big castle with a dungeon in the middle of the doors. The door with the dungeon in was the one with noises like creeping rats and mice and skeletons and witches giggling and it looked green as an ogre. In one of the doors there were 159 stairs, which led to the balcony where you could see down to the river, lakes and the duck pond. There were some balconies at Tattershall Castle but we couldn't climb onto them because we had no big huge ladders. We climbed up to the top of the staircase to the top of the battlements. We learned about how you fight an army through the crosses on the windows. We saw the toilets that when the King needed to go to the toilet, then he went into a room and a servant had to get a flannel wet with hot water then wipe the King's bottom! Dad said, "If I was the King, you'd be about the right height to wipe my bottom"! We had a picnic and some cookies, then afterwards we went to Carole's house and we saw a big huge cockerel that did the loudest cock-a-doodle-do in the morning in the whole universe! We went into their wendy house that had a slide and some ladders.They had a pink water gun that was see-through and some plastic plates and cups and Luke played house with us.

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