Wednesday 23 April 2008

All About Jesus

Jesus is the Saviour. He died on the cross to pay the price for our sins. He prayed to God in the garden of the Gethsemane and He felt every pain. He did it because He loves us so much. I know His church is true. I know that He is my Redeemer and that He is the Lamb of God. I know that even if I can't see Jesus, I still know He's near me.

A Day at Normanby Hall

I went to see some ducks and I led a dog called Abby. She was a ginger brown colour and she ran a little bit fast! I made some new friends called Kitty and Katie. I saw a stuffed deer in a museum, and some horses and peacocks. The peacocks were blue and very pretty. They squawked very loudly! When we were walking to the duck pond, we saw a golden egg up high in the tree!

I climbed up high on a big metal sculpture, and I also climbed two big trees and I played with some girls called Romy, Charlie and George. We went into a big house with huge chandeliers that were beautiful. I want to live in that house one day! I saw lots of big rooms, and in one of them there were lots of big glass cupboards with clothes in them, and one had a Hamlet T-shirt in it!

At lunchtime I dropped some of my sandwich on the floor, so I fed it to the ducks, and I let Naomi feed some of it to them as well. I saw the ducks doing handstands in the water! They kept mooning us and showing us their bottoms! We saw one duck fly so high that it went over Dad's head!

When we got home we watched a film called "Calamity Jane" and I drank some Orangina and ate a chocolate muffin. I enjoyed it a lot. It had lots of songs and dancing in it. My favourite part was the wedding. It was a fun film and we ate lots of sweeties!